Paginator utility

There are a handful of tasks that I find myself reimplementing fairly often, and I've built up a small library of snippets for dealing with these tasks in a generic way. I find that writing these utilities in a completely generic manner means I can reuse them between projects, and also forces me to be disciplined about how I design my codebase.

I'm working on a batch job right now, and needed to iterate over all results from a large database. Here's the utility I use for this:

export interface Paginator<T, Cursor> {
  hasMore: boolean;
  next: () => Promise<Paginator<T, Cursor>>;
  results: T[];
  iterate: (
    fn: (
      results: T[],
      meta: { pageNumber: number; resultCount: number },
    ) => Promise<void>,
  ) => Promise<void>;

export function createPaginator<T, Cursor>(
  fetcher: (opts: { pageSize: number; cursor: Cursor }) => Promise<T[]>,
  }: {
    pageSize: number;
    startCursor: Cursor;
    getCursorFromResult: (data: T) => Cursor;
): Paginator<T, Cursor> {
  async function advance(
    cursor: Cursor,
    { pageNumber, resultCount }: { pageNumber: number; resultCount: number },
  ): Promise<Paginator<T, Cursor>> {
    const results = await fetcher({ pageSize, cursor });
    // Opportunity for refinement: allow this check to be configured
    if (results.length === 0) {
      return {
        hasMore: false,
        next: () => {
          throw new Error();
        iterate: () => {
          throw new Error();
    const finalResult = results.slice(-1)[0];
    const nextCursor = getCursorFromResult(finalResult);
    const nextPaginator: Paginator<T, Cursor> = {
      hasMore: true,
      next: () =>
        advance(nextCursor, {
          pageNumber: pageNumber + 1,
          resultCount: resultCount + results.length,
      async iterate(fn) {
        let p = nextPaginator;
        while (p.hasMore) {
          await fn(p.results, { pageNumber, resultCount });
          p = await;
    return nextPaginator;
  return {
    hasMore: true,
    results: [],
    next: () => advance(startCursor, { pageNumber: 0, resultCount: 0 }),
    async iterate(fn) {
      const p = await advance(startCursor, { pageNumber: 0, resultCount: 0 });
      return p.iterate(fn);

Note that there's nothing here that's specific to my actual use case.

Here's a usage example, very closely patterned after my actual use case:

const paginator = createPaginator(
  async ({ pageSize, cursor }): Promise<Array<{ id: number }>> => {
    return this.sql.query(
    select from users as u
    where id > $1
    order by id
    limit $2;
      [cursor, pageSize]
    pageSize: 50,
    startCursor: 0,
    getCursorFromResult: (result) =>,
await paginator.iterate(async (results, { resultCount }) => {
  resultCount > 0 && console.log(`Completed ${resultCount} results so far`);
  await Promise.all( ({ id: userId }) => {
      // In the real implementation, I cross-reference two systems here.
      await this.updateUser(userId);
  // Wait a minute between pages so we don't hit rate limits or bring down our server.
  await new Promise((ok) => setTimeout(ok, 60e3));