- Early return pattern — One way to potentially reduce the effort needed to understand a section of code.
- Hourglass logic: time's up! — This software pattern often results from organic growth, and can hide complexity if you're not careful.
- Flip your tests — A slight adjustment to the way you write your tests can help you become more confident in your application's stability.
- Negative splits generator — Using a bit of coding and math to make my exercise routine easier.
- Paginator utility — Utility for paging through data in a batch job
- Handling hard-coded values — If you're careful, hard-coded values can help you experiment with new features while keeping your codebase sustainable.
- Organizing env vars — Using query strings to simplify environment management.
- Using env vars in Storybook — Make sure the environment used in your stories matches your deployment.
- ZSH power tips — Helpful shell tools and configuration.
- Be a pair of hands — The "volunteer's mindset" and how it can help your team.
- Configuration vs composition — Writing an application in building blocks offers some advantages.
- Static type checking in JS — Getting TypeScript to play nicely with an existing setup.
- Local DynamoDB
- Waiting for that important call — Pause a test until a function has been called.
- Controller pattern — Triggering actions within a React app, in a way that's not gross.
- Git-fu: useful shortcuts — Shortcuts and aliases for easy version control.
- React architecture — General guidelines for not angering coworkers (or your future self).
- npm configuration — Setting up `npm` on a new machine.
- JSConf Last Call — Last hurrah for JSConf US.
- nginx configuration